In the province of British Columbia there is legislation to protect adults receiving care in licensed residential community care facilities.


Residents’ Bill of Rights 

Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act

Seniors’ residential care facilities, including those that are private pay, are licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act, or are licensed or designated under the Hospital Act, and have regular health and safety inspections.

All types of licensed residential care must follow the Residential Care Regulation and Standards of Practice which have details about building requirements, staffing and management, recreation activities, record keeping, health and hygiene, nutrition and medication management.

Standards of Practice

Health Authority Community Care Facility Licensing programs issue licenses and conduct inspections to make sure facilities are following the rules and are providing safe care to the persons who live there.

They are also required under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act to investigate any health and safety complaints of unlicensed care. Learn how to make a complaint about a residential care facility.

Please reach out to your respective Regional Association of Family Councils.

Fraser Association of Family Councils


Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils


Northern Association of Family Councils 

Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils


Interior Association of Family Councils
