Our People

Marcy Johnsrude – President

Marcy has enjoyed various decision-making and leadership roles in business, government and the non-profit sector over the past several years.  She has extensive experience in strategic planning, policy and legislation, communications, human resources and project management.

Marcy became a coach and trainer in 2004, focusing on career and leadership issues and working with leaders from around the world.  Her greatest joy in that role was the one-on-one coaching, undertaking several train-the-trainer programs and developing and delivering a leadership program for vulnerable youth. She also led the development of a training program to help inspire parents in the role as parents and co-authored and presented  “how to bring humour into your life.”    

Marcy’s first introduction to long-term care was many years ago when her grandfather entered a “nursing home” on his own because he “did not want to burden anyone.”   However, it wasn’t until her mother entered long-term care in 2012 and her father, a year later, that Marcy became aware of the role and benefits of family councils,  She did not much coaxing to become involved.

Over the years, Marcy has volunteered in various roles in the long-long-term care sector, including Chair of the family council where her parents resided, Vice-Chair and then Chair, in 2023, of the Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils.  She was a member of the Steering Committee for a period of time and enjoyed seeing ILTCCABC come to fruition.  Last year, Marcy stepped into an executive position on the ILTCCABC Board and enjoyed the role immensely. 

Marcy has developed a good understanding of the different levels of advocacy in long-term care.  She is also well versed in the various related pieces of legislation and regulation and the complaint process, both internal and external and was one of the co-writers of a handbook entitled “From Home Care to Care Home.”  

Marcy’s work experience and her experience in long-term care will enable her to manage the role of President of ILTCCABC. 

Contact: president.iltccabc@gmail.com

Lisa Dawson – Vice President / Secretary

With over 15 years in hospitality management and over 25 years in the legal industry as a Firm Administrator, Lisa has shifted her energies and skills into the Long-Term Care (LTC) space; specifically, the advocacy for quality of life and quality of care of its residents.

There is untapped value in family caregivers and the mechanism of Family Councils. Lisa encourages every person closest to a resident in long-term care to exercise their opportunity to seek out the Family Council in their care home. If there is no council, contact your regional association of family councils to help support the process of forming one.

Current Roles:

  • Family Caregiver: Father in long-term care
  • Chair of a Family Council: Louis Brier Home & Hospital
  • Chair of VCAFC – Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils
  • Co-Chair: VCH RRFCN Regional Resident and Family Council Network
  • Vice-President and Secretary: ILTCCABC Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association BC
  • Family Councils Advocate: Be the change you want to see. Join the Long-Term Care Conversation for all Residents in Care.

Contact: vicepresident.iltccabc@gmail.com

Byron Yashuk – Treasurer

Drawing on his extensive experience in construction as owner and supervisor, Byron Yashuk brings a solutions-oriented approach to problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork, and project planning. His strong financial acumen is further evidenced by his role as treasurer for ILTCCABC, Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC.
Beyond construction, Byron is a passionate advocate for empowering families through independent family councils. His personal experience led him to actively participate in such a council, eventually serving as both Vice Chair and Co-Chair. This dedication propelled him to become the South Island Director for the VIAFC (Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils). In this role, he champions the support and development of existing councils while actively fostering the creation of new ones within the Greater Victoria area.
He recently expanded his impact by serving as the Regional Representative from VIAFC at the provincial association of family councils (ILTCCABC).
Contact: treasurer.iltccabc@gmail.com
ILTCCABC, Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC