Let's work together
Contact Us
For more information about our organization feel free to reach out to us anytime.
ILTCCABC Board of Directors
Marcy Johnsrude, President:
E-mail: president.iltccabc@gmail.com
T: (250) 758-4474
Lisa Dawson, Vice President/Secretary:
E-mail: vicepresident.iltccabc@gmail.com
Byron Yashuk, Treasurer:
E-mail: treasurer.iltccabc@gmail.com
Media Contact
Ayelet Shahar Kulik, ITLCCABC Communications Manager
E-mail: communications.iltccabc@gmail.com
C: 778-989-8844
Become a volunteer
Regional Associations of Family Councils can be of assistance to LTC Operators by:
Holding a town hall in the LTC home to gauge interest on starting a family speak to the
importance of family councils
Fraser Association of Family Councils
Email: fafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://fraserfamilycouncils.ca
Northern Association of Family Councils
Email: nafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://northernfamilycouncils.ca
Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils
Email: vcafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://vancouvercoastalfamilycouncils.ca
Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils
Email: viafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://vancouverislandfamilycouncils.ca
Interior Association of Family Councils
Email: interiorfamilycouncils@gmail.com
Website: https://interiorfamilycouncils.ca