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Supporting someone with dementia living in long-term care

By January 6, 2025January 9th, 2025No Comments

Educational Session Notes and Resources
Presented by the Alzheimer’s Society
Adrienne Poirier, Support & Education Coordinator, First Link®

Alzheimer Society of B.C. Vancouver Resource Centre
300 – 828 West 8th Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1E2
Phone: 604-675-5150/ Fax: 604-687-2626
First Link® Dementia Helpline: 1-800-936-6033
Twitter: @AlzheimerBC | Facebook: AlzheimerBC
Charitable Registration Number: 11878 4891 RR0001

ILTCCABC represents all long-term care councils across BC.
ILTCCABC does this through it 5 regional associations of family councils, one in each
health authority.

It is our mission:
– To promote Resident and/or Family Councils in long-term care homes across BC –
To support our member Regional Associations of Family Councils – and to advance
the collective voice directly to the Ministry of Health ensuring residents, their families
and representatives have a voice in decisions that affect their lives and help shape
BC’s Long-Term Care System.

We are all volunteers and have or have had someone close to us in long-term care.
We all know that dementia is one of the most common reasons people move into long
term care.

Residents find it difficult to communicate effectively, and some react with responsive
behaviours – even striking out and with agitation as they try to express themselves.

The question was posed to ILTCCABC, how can we improve our understanding of
this journey and how can we improve the visits we have with our loved ones and
friends in long-term care?

That is how we came to the Alzheimer’s Society inviting our guest presenter Adrienne
Poirier whose presentation was entitled:
Supporting Someone with dementia living in long-term care
The meeting was not recorded.

Attached are the resources from the slides and other resources

On-demand education and sessions with a specific focus on long-term care
• Our foundational videos and content on progression and change, grief and
also came up
• The recording yesterday’s session most closely resembled is Enhancing your
visit with a person in long-term care
and the accompanying resources can be
found here.
First Link® Dementia Helpline

We all heard how valuable self led Family Councils are to the care
home community.

– Providing family support (mentoring about advocacy; guiding families the long-term care
home policies; educating about the LTCH system in BC and learning together about the issues which afflict our resident quality of life)
– Contributing ideas and feedback re: opportunities for improvement – Collaborating on actual projects for residents
– Liaising with Resident Council to lift their voice
– Sharing their experiences and solutions with one another at regular meetings
– Helping to build the LTCH community through developing relationships

Not included in this education session but worthy of sharing:

• Alzheimer Society of B.C. online campus is now available and there are some GREAT educational components.
You’ll need to click “Register” to get started.
Here is the information page about the campus:

• And here is the direct link to the online campus itself:

• To have a look at the courses, click Courses.
There are currently 5 “Communication for Care partners” courses, two “Dementia
and culture” courses, and an “Introduction to dementia” course.

Enjoy the connection and information.

Share with your family councils if you feel they would benefit.
Please continue to send us your questions and suggestions for educational sessions to Lisa Dawson: